What kind of philosophy of education can foster the pychotheraphy? Some axiological points on the margins of V. E. Frankl's considerations: 'The Will to Meaning. Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy".
Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2014, Vol 171, Issue 4
The author wonders for mutual relationships between psychotherapy, especially logotheraphy, and education. Thus, the basic question is: does education, and what kind of education, favors psychotheraphy? The answer may be psychotherapy oriented on ideals and values. Thanks to psychotheraphy, it becomes essential for human to trangress, search creative tensions, which intensify human potential abilities. Connection between psychotherapy and education was caught on the example of V. E. Frankl, especially his – recently translated into Polish – The Will of Meaning. Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy. The author considers connection between logotheraphy and education in the context of will of the meaning. The fulfillment of the will can not be caused by the desire of the pleasure, or addiction to will of the power. Education can not impose the aims; it should lead human against the twists and turns of life, activating his independence. The metaphor of guide is adequate to “educational impacts”, which enrich human’s sensitivity. Only this kind of education can bring closer to the art of finding the sense and values in specific situations in human’s life, and promote logoterapist’ s actions. The logoterapist must help patient to understand his responsibility to situations in life, in which he was cast by the fate.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Tański
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