Wojna : definicje, teorie, klasyfikacje.

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2010, Vol 2010, Issue 4


The author has assumed that war, as an extremely complex phenomenon should be considered from many points of view taking concrete criteria as a basis of division. The analysis of military, psychological, legal, economic and sociological signs of war leads to a conclusion that all of them may be considered as factors causing a changeable degree of intensity in war. They are mutually interpenetrating in the phenomenon of war itself In the introduction, the author stresses the fact that philosophers, historians, sociologists and the art of war theoreticians have always tried to answer the question what war actually is. Dealing with the issue of war, its definition, theory and classifications, he refers to (among others) Plato, Aristotle, Democritus, Epicure, Cicerone, Hobbes, Rousseau, Hegel, Bouthoula, Huxley, Comte, Spencer, Sun Tzu, Clausewitz, Grotius, Walzer, Fukuyama and Beaufre. Polish authors include: Skibiński, Chocha, Kaczmarek (Julian), Nożko. According to the author, many theoreticians trie to explain the basic sources of war with psychological, geographical, racial or anthropological factors. However, facts prove that the reasons of war do not root from allegedly constant features of human nature. They are not an eternal and inevitable phenomenon in human history. Some primeval societies are known who did not wage wars and did not use force in order to achieve their goals, although elements of fight appeared in these tribal communities. There have been many theories of war: demographic, ethical, biological, geo-political, philosophical, economic, psychological, ideological or sociological ones.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Polak


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How To Cite

Andrzej Polak (2010). Wojna : definicje, teorie, klasyfikacje.. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, 2010(4), 376-402. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-70741