Wolność dynamiczna: przyczynek do rozważań nad ideą wolności pozytywnej


This work is dedicated to introduce new, accurate meaning to well known in philosophy distinction between positive and negative freedom. Author introduces new views on the subject, and proposes to redefine concept of positive freedom in its dynamie form. The idea starts with a reflec- tion on an essay “Two Conceptions of Freedom”by Isaiah Berlin. New light is shaded on terms and inconsistent definitions, which are hidden under the name of freedom. Contradiction in terms, the- ir lexical meaning and inaccurate boundaries are subject to discussion in search of morę consistent concept and foundations of the positive freedom. The study explores very roots of intellectual trends of Romantic Era with its tendency to glorify Middle Ages by artists and scholars alike. Author ana- lyzes precursor work of Wilhelm Hegel, as the base for his research over positive freedom concept. Further, the article suggests logical coherence between positive freedom concept and the sense of personal responsibility.

Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Traczyk


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Przemysław Traczyk (2009). Wolność dynamiczna: przyczynek do rozważań nad ideą wolności pozytywnej. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 34(), 109-122. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-71450