Wpływ systemów informacji rzecznej na bezpieczeństwo funkcjonowania transportu wodnego śródlądowego na przykładzie dolnego odcinka rzeki Odry
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 214, Issue 12
Paper discussed the impact of river information systems on improving safety in inland navigation. Inland waterway accidents on the Odra River have been analyzed. Examples of selected shipping accidents that occurred in the years 2002-2015 are presented. The impact of the information systems on the functioning and development of inland waterway transport was analyzed. The aim of this article is to analyze selected IT systems used in inland waterway transport and to assess their impact on improving the safety of inland navigation on the example of the Lower Odra RIS implemented on the Oder Waterway.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Kaup, Dorota Łozowicka, Monika Fronczyk
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