Franz Kafka was a writer interested in the European intellectual vision of the East.
As an intellectual of the German cultural circles he was familiar with contemporary types
of reception of the Orient (literary, philoso...
War on Memorials in Catalonia. What to Do with Commemoration of the Battle of the Ebro<br/><br/>The article discusses the conflicts taking place in public life over interpretation of the significance of places of nationa...
The paper discusses the news on Polish TV channels. The author argues that the process
of selection of information and their aesthetics are governed by laws similar to those that
govern every other commodity on the trade...
Teksty, z którymi nie poradzi sobie formalista
Wiadomość ze Wschodu. Motywy orientalne w twórczości Franza Kafki
Franz Kafka was a writer interested in the European intellectual vision of the East. As an intellectual of the German cultural circles he was familiar with contemporary types of reception of the Orient (literary, philoso...
Z powrotem do rzeczywistości samej!
Wojna na pomniki w Katalonii, czyli co zrobić z upamiętnieniem bitwy pod Ebro
War on Memorials in Catalonia. What to Do with Commemoration of the Battle of the Ebro<br/><br/>The article discusses the conflicts taking place in public life over interpretation of the significance of places of nationa...
W stronę rozrywki. Przemiany polskich serwisów informacyjnych
The paper discusses the news on Polish TV channels. The author argues that the process of selection of information and their aesthetics are governed by laws similar to those that govern every other commodity on the trade...