Małgorzata Rychert
In Specters of Marx, Derrida argues that all writing is ghost-driven, for “everyone reads, acts, writes with his or her ghosts.” Modernist poetry can be described as particularly “spectral”, as it often locates itself on...
Cały numer: kino animowane<br/><br/>
Małgorzata Rychert (2013). Współczesne sposoby popularyzacji opery. Kultura Popularna, 2(36), -.
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“It ghosts”: Language as a Haunted Dwelling in Selected Poems by Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore
In Specters of Marx, Derrida argues that all writing is ghost-driven, for “everyone reads, acts, writes with his or her ghosts.” Modernist poetry can be described as particularly “spectral”, as it often locates itself on...
Zwrot historyczny. Cały numer
Część I: Kino animowane "Od surrealizmu Themersonów po mroczną metafizykę Dumały". Część II: Media a wspólnoty i tożsamości kulturowe. Cały numer
Cały numer: kino animowane<br/><br/>
O złudnym poczuciu sprawstwa wśród fanów na przykładzie serialu Sherlock Holmes
When Man Becomes Machine. The Creation of ‘Symborgs’ in Pop Cultural Universes