The aim of the article is to analyze the ethno-political movements of the Russian minority in post-Soviet countries after the annexation of the Crimea to Russia and attempt to answer the research question: how annexation...
According to Polish law, immigrants seeking international protection in Poland are eligible to receive social help either at immigrants centers or outside, in the forms of social security benefits for covering cost...
Rev. S. Tomicki is an author of the poetic collection entitled Kwiaty więzienia (The flowers of Prison). He wrote this volume during his confinement in jails in Berlin and Wisloujscie Fortress. The Wisloujscie Sonnets ar...
One of the most important issues of the Russia statehood is a problem of stability and internal integrity. A characteristic feature of Russian state is the wide variety of ethnic and religious. Since the XVI century an...
EP ID EP189688
Views 55
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How To Cite
Bartosz Pępek (2015). Współczesne źródła informacji a badania terenowe w analizach krajobrazu. Cywilizacja i Polityka, 13(13),
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Ruchy etnopolityczne mniejszości rosyjskiej w państwach byłego ZSRR po aneksji Krymu do Rosji
The aim of the article is to analyze the ethno-political movements of the Russian minority in post-Soviet countries after the annexation of the Crimea to Russia and attempt to answer the research question: how annexation...
Bezpieczeństwo socjalne imigrantów w Polsce na przykładzie miasta Gdańska
According to Polish law, immigrants seeking international protection in Poland are eligible to receive social help either at immigrants centers or outside, in the forms of social security benefits for covering cost...
Doktryna polityczna Niccolo Machiavellego. Ponadczasowe rozważania
Gdańskie sonety sprzed półtora wieku
Rev. S. Tomicki is an author of the poetic collection entitled Kwiaty więzienia (The flowers of Prison). He wrote this volume during his confinement in jails in Berlin and Wisloujscie Fortress. The Wisloujscie Sonnets ar...
Islam i ZSRR. Polityka Bolszewików wobec muzułmanów w okresie kształtowania się państwa radzieckiego
One of the most important issues of the Russia statehood is a problem of stability and internal integrity. A characteristic feature of Russian state is the wide variety of ethnic and religious. Since the XVI century an...