Współczesny uczeń obrazem rodzinnych problemów

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 2


Omnipresent globalism greatly influences educational reality, which appears to be a place of many challenges, chances and threats. Nowadays, computers become “subject” quicker than ever, and a student interacts with it much more intensively than with a teacher. Globalization becomes, to some extent, a part of the life of the subject of education. At school, which is full of global trends, a student absorbs the preferred style of thinking and acting. Today’s teacher must be aware of the changes that shape the profile of a student in a school of the 21st century. The article describes negative elements in the profile of a global student. Depicting the profile of a 21st century’s student, the author also presents opportunities for the student’s development (global spaces of development, cultural exchanges, and enlarged chances for comprehensive development).

Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Mastalski


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How To Cite

Janusz Mastalski (2011). Współczesny uczeń obrazem rodzinnych problemów. Sympozjum, 21(2), 27-40.