Współpraca subregionalna w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego na przykładzie Konferencji Współpracy Subregionalnej państw Morza Bałtyckiego
Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 1
The Baltic Sea Region has many organizations whose goal is the protection and development of the Baltic Sea. One of them is the Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation (BSSSC). This organization was founded in the early nineties. Thanks to this organization cooperation between the regions is more possible. For many of them, this is one of the few forms of influence on the policy around the Baltic Sea. The BSSSC organizes an annual conference, and works in working groups. The developed solutions are implemented in theBaltic sub‑regions. BSSSC in its work, is taking care about: maritime policy, youth policy, energy and climate, the Northern Dimension, the cohesion policy, transport and infrastructure. In recent years, much attention is focused on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea RegionThe organization gives possibility to the regions to build networks and relationships. Thanks to this organization regions can gain partners which are necessary for the projects.
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Szulc
Polska – Francja – Europa w XX wieku. Szkice z historii Polski, Francji i stosunków polsko-francuskich / Pologne – France – Europe au XXe siècle. Esquisses de l’histoire de la Pologne, de la France et des relations polono-françaises – zeszyt tematyczny czasopisma „Prace Historyczne”, 2015, nr 4 (142), Kraków 2015, s. I–X, 561 – 771.
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