Wybrane aspekty antropologii teologicznej konstytucji duszpasterskiej Gaudium et spes 22. Soboru Watykańskiego II
Journal Title: Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie - Year 2011, Vol 0, Issue 16
This articles presents the anthropology of imago Dei in the Constitution Gaudium et spes of the Second Vatican Council. This anthropology is most perfectly expressed in GS 22: “The truth is that only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light”. Many theologians, among others . J. Ratzinger, L. Ladaria, M. Gagliardi, emphasize the protological and eschatological character of the council’s anthropology. It means, that Christ was preannounced in the person of the first Adam and he is the “last Adam” (novissimus Adam) as well. Therefore we are created on the image of the first Adam, and invited to becoming on the image of the true and second Adam – Christ.
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Bujak
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