Wybrane aspekty odnowy liturgii w teologicznej refleksji Josepha Ratzingera pięćdziesiąt lat od zakończenia II Soboru Watykańskiego
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 1
Fiftieth anniversary of completing the II Vatican Council works allows us to look critically on theology and the post-conciliar achievements in topic of liturgy. The article regards chosen aspects of the renewal of liturgy in Joseph Ratzinger’s theological reflection. A kind of hermetic key proposed by Ratzinger for purpose of evaluating liturgy’s reform contains of three words: intelligibility, participation, simplicity. Author shows Ratzinger’s postulate of reversion to the post-conciliar con- stitution of liturgy. This theologian on one hand made a theological reflection over matters related to post-conciliar liturgy. On the other pointed the dangers connected with their wrong reception and comprehension. In the article the author also tried to show the timeliness of problems regarding liturgical theol- ogy fifty years after the last Council.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Beyga
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