Характеристика оперативної обстановки за лінією протидії терористичній діяльності


Статтю присвячено визначенню стану оперативної обстановки, пов’язаної з учиненням терористичної діяльності в сучасній Україні та факторів, що впливають на неї. Для цього здійснено аналіз статистичних даних щодо вчинення злочинів, пов’язаних з терористичною діяльністю, за 2014–2018 роки, а також запропоновано розподіляти фактори, що впливають на оперативну обстановку за досліджуваною лінією роботи, на зовнішні та внутрішні. The study of the results of the activities of law enforcement agencies in recent years shows that despite the state’s active use of measures to counter terrorist activities, these crimes remain fairly widespread in modern Ukraine. Considering the significant public danger of these crimes, it is not accidental that the tasks of countering terrorist activities in Ukraine today are considered as priority and are included in the complex of state European integration measures. One of the components of an effective counter-terrorist activity is the analysis and determination of the state of the operational situation along this line of work, as well as the factors influencing the commission of the investigated crimes. The authors, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of special scientific literature, official statistics on the commission of crimes related to terrorist activities for 2014–2018, made an attempt to determine the state of the operational situation along the line of work in modern Ukraine, as well as the factors affecting it. At the time of the study, a reasonable distribution of factors affecting the operational situation in the area of countering terrorist activities on the classification units was proposed, namely: 1) geographical, socio-economic, demographic, political and ideological characteristics of the operational service area; 2) the state and dynamics of the commission of terrorist activities and the results of the fight against them on the territory of operational services; 3) the availability of forces and means and the effectiveness of their use in the fight against these crimes. The factors included in these blocks, in turn, should be divided into two groups: external and internal factors. However, it should be noted that being interconnected and interdependent, external and internal factors affecting the state of the operational environment are not equivalent. The analysis of the statistics of the recorded crimes and the suspicions handed over for their commission for the period 2014–2018 shows, on the one hand, that despite the measures taken by the state to counter terrorist activities, these crimes have a significant prevalence in the territory of modern Ukraine, on the other hand low efficiency of the operational units to identify the perpetrators.

Authors and Affiliations

Андрій Миколайович Лисенко, І. В. Лисенко


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Андрій Миколайович Лисенко, І. В. Лисенко (2018). Характеристика оперативної обстановки за лінією протидії терористичній діяльності. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 83(3), 246-256. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-538391