Характеристика вихідного матеріалу люцерни / Characteristics the raw material of alfalfa
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The identification of the alfalfa gene pool of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture from different countries of the globe on the main features and properties of feed and seed use is carried out. According to the classification of P.Lubenets. The livestock source material is classified into species: alfalfa (60,9 %), less variable (26,2 %), yellow (7,4 %), pigeon (1,2 %) and 1,1 % other species: pure , colored, glue, tian-shan. When studying the collection material of alfalfa, special attention is paid to the important issue – the intensity of the bulbous making process of plants. It is established that there is an uneven level of formation of tubers in different specimens. The varieties of alfalfa differ in intensity of the notation process, the size of the tubers, their color, location. The breeding value is characterized by varieties selection of scientific institutions of Ukraine – Poltavahybrid (UJ0700317), (UJ0700091), Veselopodolians'ka 11 (UJ0700091), Russia – Tulunhybrid (UJ0700299), Siberian 8 (UJ0700300), Tuyana (UJ0700302), Barnaul (UJ0700138), Zimostoyka (Kazan – UJ0700431), Abay 183 (UJ0700142), Krasnoobsskaya 28 (UJ0700118), Kazakhstan - Bogarna 2628 (UJ0700261). They are characterized by good bruising, high winter resistance, grass density. Therefore, these varieties are used and included in the further breeding process: conducting selections based on the main features and artificial hybridization, in order to create a valuable breeding material that in its genome combines the most valuable signs of both parental and maternal form and forms the basis for new promising varieties. Allotted the best samples using different breeding methods allowed to create varieties of alfalfa: Unitro, Serafima, Zoryana, Angelica, Elegia, which are entered in the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine and widely sown in all zones.
Authors and Affiliations
E. Tischenko, A. Tischenko, G. Kuts
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