Z badań nad piśmiennictwem pragmatycznym średniowiecznej biblioteki klasztoru cystersów w Mogile
Journal Title: Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 0
The article is a piece of broader research on the scriptorium of the Cistercian monastery in Mogila from mid-15th to the beginnings of 16th century. According to Edward Potkowski, one of the functions of writing was pragmatic literary production that served people’s public and private activity. Source base includes ten codices in total, eight of which were examined, coming from the mid-15th century to the first years of 16th. The article, after introducing the term of pragmatic literary production, points and discusses it’s particular profiles of the manuscripts of the library of Cistercian monastery in Mogila. It introduces particular volumes and their authors. It specifies which profiles of pragmatic literary production are dominating and how typical is that for the libraries of medieval Cistercians.
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Domżał, Andrzej Wałkówski
Księgozbiory a horyzont intelektualny ich właścicieli. Rekonstrukcja bibliotek domowych XVII-XVIII wieku.
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The Memoir of Professor Edward Potkowski
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