Za co uczeń będzie dziękował nauczycielowi? O władzy w klasie szkolnej

Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2016, Vol 61, Issue 4


The paper is founded on the distinction between traditional school represented by Johann F. Herbart and progressive school here represented by Bell Hooks. The main purpose of this article is to describe specific characteristics of these two educational models taking into account changes within them. Foucault’s disciplinary power schema provides methodological tools for better apprehension of the location of power in the classroom. In particular, the concept of exam mentioned by Foucault in his Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison has great importance for better understanding of changes within the two aforementioned educational models and student-teacher relations. It appears that power is a fundamental element in these relations, which is exemplified by the presence of the hidden curriculum and how it affects students. Conceiving teaching as a technical activity the autor argues that the way this power is performed depends on the teacher’s character, skills and will.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Rutkiewicz


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How To Cite

Wojciech Rutkiewicz (2016). Za co uczeń będzie dziękował nauczycielowi? O władzy w klasie szkolnej. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 61(4), 67-84.