Zakres wpływów wschodniosłowiańskich w polszczyźnie północnokresowej – wpływy białoruskie
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
This paper briefly presents the formation of the Polish language in the area formerly known as Grand Duchy of Lithuania, today’s Belarus, Lithuania and South-Eastern Latvia – Latgale, the former Polish Livonia. Due to the constant interaction between Polish, Belarusian, Lithuanian and later Russian languages, over the centuries numerous features were derived from the original language codes and adopted by the Polish language code. The oldest and most numerous are Lithuanisms and Belarusianisms. The article presents an overview of the most typical Belarusian features in phonetics, inflection, word-formation, syntax and lexis. These features are presented in a series of tables showing their presence (or lack thereof) in the chronological and territorial cross-section based on the Vilnius Polish language examined by H. Turska before the Second World War, the Kaunas Polish language developed by H. Karaś at the turn of the 20th and 21st century and the Dictionary of the Polish Spoken Language for the features occurring in the remaining territories of the country. Furthermore, the article quotes Belarusian borrowings regularly appearing in Northern Borderlands Polish, recessive borrowings and words that have fallen out of use with the disappearance of designations.
Authors and Affiliations
Iryda Grek-Pabisowa, Małgorzata Ostrówka
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