Zapis holoceńskich procesów eolicznych w osadach wybranych jezior kopalnych i torfowisk centralnej Polski

Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 105, Issue


The article is focused on considerations on spatial relationships between dunes and wetlands in Central Poland and also on aeolian record in organic deposits. The interactions between dunes and neighboring peatlands have been analysed for the Holocene, according to the archaeological chronology. The presented sites illustrate well the record of human inducted processes as well as the reaction of wetland ecosystems. Aeolian deposits were deposited as thick layers within biogenic sediments at the contact zone of dunes and wetlands and as thinner interlaminations or admixtures in other parts of the studied peatlands. For the Late Holocene, periods of intensified interaction between aeolian processes and peatland have been related to stages of the so-called human-inducted dune forming phase.

Authors and Affiliations

Juliusz Twardy, Jacek Forysiak


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How To Cite

Juliusz Twardy, Jacek Forysiak (2016). Zapis holoceńskich procesów eolicznych w osadach wybranych jezior kopalnych i torfowisk centralnej Polski. Acta Geographica Lodziensia, 105(), 125-140.