Заштита података о личности као изазов у времену електронских записа // Protection of personal data as a challenge in the time of electronic records

Journal Title: Arhivski pogledi // Archival Views - Year 2020, Vol 1, Issue 1


The development of information technologies requires the adaptation of archival activities in order to communicate faster and make archival records more accessible to researchers and users. Electronic records are increasingly appearing, along with conventional records, as documentary material and a source for the selection of archival material. Therefore, in Serbia and the surrounding countries, a norm has been developed more intensively in recent years, which defines archival material in its original electronic form and regulates the system of electronic office and archival business. On the other hand, the challenges are multiple, and one of the most serious is the availability of electronic archives and the protection of personal data and other confidential information, which as such are qualified by special national regulations and international treaties. The paper presents the scope of the latest legal regulations governing this area in Serbia, with a comparative overview of the situation in the surrounding countries. On the other hand, we tried, with relevant arguments, to see the role and importance of archives and archival activities in dealing with archival material that contains data of importance to the person and in this regard define the principles of its protection from the aspect of archiving.

Authors and Affiliations

Јасмина Живковић


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Јасмина Живковић (2020). Заштита података о личности као изазов у времену електронских записа // Protection of personal data as a challenge in the time of electronic records. Arhivski pogledi // Archival Views, 1(1), -. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-715263