Застосування інтерактивного обладнання при проведенні тренінгів з економічних дисциплін


Modern enterprises require competent specialists in economics, active and independent, able to make responsible and well-founded decisions. Therefore, their practical training comes to the fore. That is why, training technologies are introduced more and more to the process of teaching economic disciplines, which are the most labor-intensive teaching methods. The article proves the perspectives of using interactive equipment during training activities. The author's interactive materials for exercises and tasks, prepared in specialized applications and on-line services, were presented. These materials are presented in accordance with the general logic of conducting trainings. At the beginning of the training, the lead-in is conducted to develop attention. Interactive tasks for them are developed in the SMART Notebook application. At the main stage of the training, the information materials and tasks, prepared in the SMART Notebook and Easy Interactive Tools, LearningApps and Scrumblr services, come in handy. These tasks are also performed in these applications and services. Summing up and reflection at the end of the training is carried out with the help of interactive materials (tables and flip charts), which are filled by students. The characteristics of the interactive materials reveal the methodology for their development and use during the training. The features of the proposed materials are related to the fact that this equipment and materials for it are similar to marker boards, markers, stickers, etc., which are traditionally used in trainings. The use of interactive equipment intensifies the training process, activates the motivational and activity spheres and allows to cut corners on traditional resources. The future teacher of economics must master the methodology of preparing interactive materials and their use during training.

Authors and Affiliations

Олександр Гармашов


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  • EP ID EP457124
  • DOI 10.32919/uesit.2018.02.04
  • Views 120
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How To Cite

Олександр Гармашов (2018). Застосування інтерактивного обладнання при проведенні тренінгів з економічних дисциплін. Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology, 6(2), 37-48. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-457124