Застосування концепцій життєвих стратегій для рукокрилих, як окремої систематичної групи ссавців, на прикладі чужорідного виду Pipistrellus kuhlii
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 1
The types of organism’s life strategies mark environmental assessment for species, their integral characteristic, which illustrate the life cycle and life forms of plant and animal bodies. Complex of adaptive traits are typical for each type of life strategy. It is known, that for many mammalian species, the type of space-ethological structure in separate groupings can vary, depending on their habitats. For different species of bats, which inhabit Ukraine, when viewed in terms of space-ethological structure, everything comes down to topical and trophic levels, which are significantly different for species, that in some extent allows local bats species to avoid absolute competition for space and food. For bats, as a special taxonomic group of mammals, most appropriate are the use of the concept of Ramensky-Grime life strategy, based on the terms of their space-ethological structure. The particular interest is the use of the methods of the life strategies for introduced species. Among bats of our fauna, the typical adventitious species is Kuhl's pipistrelle (P. kuhlii). Considering the biological and ecological characteristics of this species, we can said that it is characterized by the secondary strategies, which combine the features of two primary types of syndromes – CR-violent and explerent. With the signs of this two syndromes, patient signs of P. kuhlii can not be ignored, which are the least marked and also apply to other local bat species as a whole. Comparing two closely related species of the genus Pipistrellus bats, Kuhl's pipistrelle (P. kuhlii) which is introduced and Nathusius' pipistrelle (P. nathusii) which is aboriginal, it was found that both species have almost identical terms in modern life strategies with difference only in topical and trophic levels. But equally unfavorable environmental conditions may cause negative impact on the population of both species. В работе изложен теоретический подход к обоснованию жизненной стратегии насекомоядных рукокрылых, как отдельной систематической группы млекопитающих на примере чужеродного вида – нетопыря средиземноморского (Pipistrellus kuhlii).
Authors and Affiliations
А. А. Билушенко A. A. Bilushenko
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