«Зелена» економіка на шляху творення постринкової економічної системи [«Green» economy towards post market economic system creation]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
The essence of “green” economy and its importance to overcome the global environmental threats caused by destructive anthropogenic activity and led to disruption of planetary boundaries are considered. “Green” economy is seen as a tool towards post market economic system creation. Basic requirements for “green” economy are: balance of population with natural capacity of ecological systems; ability to return the environmental debts to future generations; balance flows of natural and human-made greenhouse gases and possibility of their absorption by ecological systems to stabilize the climate on Earth; development of “green” economy need to predict increasing global biological productivity and carbon sequestration capacity of forest and other ecological ecosystems; using renewable and environmentally available natural resources; preservation of biological and genetic diversity; ecologization of social development, which involving economic, environmental, social and spiritual sphere of the Earth civilization; elimination of environmental threats on global, national, regional and local levels; optimization of economic activity according to environmental principles, criteria and indicators; using waste management technologies of production and consumption; containing key ideas of “blue” economy (in particular, taking into account the requirements of communities and community demands – environmental restrictions); inconsistency with the existing market economic system, which is called "brown", "red" or "gray"; orientation to preserve the diversity of national cultures and environmental heritage. Becoming a "green" economy is long and gradual (every next step is the next stage of science, education and human intelligence development). The first stage of "green" economy development ends the elimination of global environmental threats, the last one – formation at a genetic level the new "green" culture – a wise man, which genetic structure at this stage of human development remains unknown, but you can expect that it will be more perfect. The main threats in the way of "green" economy development are followed: public misunderstanding of the reality of global environmental threat, which emerged on the Earth in the XXI century, and passive human participation in the activities, which aimed its elimination; global environmental, economic, social and spiritual crisis, which is accompanied the increasing of political tensions and struggle for natural resources. The most dangerous situation of small states development is the invasion of its political, social and spiritual spheres of external and internal political forces, which lead to aggressive information, hot and cold war in the XXI century. The response for this aggressive political course should be a consolidation of the progressive forces of the world community.
Authors and Affiliations
Ihor Synyakevych
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