Zestaw ćwiczeń z wykorzystaniem Gymsticka u pacjentów z osłabieniem siły mięśnia czworogłowego uda
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 6
The knee is subjected to huge loads caused not only by external forces but also by the disorders in the function of its stabilizer muscles, including the quadriceps femoris. The dysfunction of the quadriceps femoris may occur due to numerous factors, including surgical treatment. Post-operative thigh atrophy is an issue that occurs frequently in the orthopaedic and physiotherapeutic practice. The functional disorders of the quadriceps femoris may result in the knee pain and the degenerative changes of the patellofemoral joint. The aim of the paper is to present an exemplary set of exercises with the use of a Gymstick tool in patients with quadriceps femoris weakness. It includes exercises that strengthen the quadriceps femoris, as well as stretching exercises. The presentation of all of the exercises includes their starting position and the way of their performance. The presented set should not be used in patients just after the knee surgery due to the use of a Gymstick tool and the difficulty of some of the exercises.
Authors and Affiliations
dr n. med. Adam Maksymilian Pogorzała, mgr Lidia Kowalska- Nowak, lic. Agata Wypchło, Jakub Śmigielski
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