Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 16
В статье анализируется дореволюционная российская историческая литература, посвящённая личности и деятельности гетмана И. Выговского, на период правления которого пришёлся ряд важных событий истории казацкой Украины. Подвергнуты критическому рассмотрению работы известных русских историков С. Соловьёва, Г. Карпова, Н. Павлищева, Д. Иловайского, В. Эйногорна и др. The article is devoted to the analysis of Russian historiographic documents of the Prerevolution period describing the personality of hetman I. Vygovskiy, whose governing is marked by a number of important historical events in Cossack Ukraine. The works of wellknown Russian historians such as S. Solovyov, D. Ilovayskiy, V. Eingorn and some other are criticized. The governing of hetman I. Vygovskiy coincides with the beginning of Ruina this very fact can explain the interest of Russian historians. One the first who paid his attention to the biography of the hetman was C. Solovyov. He believed I. Vygovskiy to be the leader of Polish Gentry called Szlyachta that did their best to follow the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (RechPospolitaya). Such approach to the treatment of the hetman’s personality prevails in Russian historiography of the mentioned period. It is clear when reading the works of G. Karpov, V. Eingorn, K. Bestugeve-Ryumin, A. Barsukov, V. Sergyeevich, Y. Zamyslovskiy, I. Khudyak, D. Ilovayskiy, V. Klyuchevskiy, M. Pokrovskiy, S. Platonov, I. Rosenfeld. The class antagonism in Ukrainian society of that time was mentioned in the works of V. Picheta, M. Pokrovskiy, who explained the hetman’s decision to join Poland by class interests. This view is followed when discussing the Gadiach Treat, but the point is that the Russian historians dealt with the different editions of the document, that’s why they didn’t manage to come to the same understanding of its benefits for hetman I. Vygovskiy. A. Barsulov and D. Ilovayskiy paid their attention the hetman’s role in the victory of the Polish Army near Chudnov. Russian historian dwelt upon I. Vygovskiy’s tragic death, but there is not the only suggestion of the real danger the hetman could create forPolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. For example, S. Solovyov and D. Ilovayskiy believed in I. Vygovskiyconspirancy, but N. Pavlischev and N. Golistyn treated him as the victim of personal enmity. Thus the Russian historiography treated the politic activity of hetman I. Vygovskiy unanimously following S. Solovyov’s point of view, but still there exits some facts that are treated in the same way.
Authors and Affiliations
S. Tarasov
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