Зміст суб'єктивного авторського права
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 84, Issue 4
У статті проаналізовано наукові погляди на проблему визначення сутності та змісту суб’єктивного авторського права на твір науки, мистецтва та літератури, а саме визначення змісту виключних прав на нього. Акцентовано увагу щодо зміни формулювання поняття цих прав, їх обсягу та видів різними авторами, які були представниками різних соціально-економічних формацій, ідеолого-політичних напрямів розвитку держави. Визначено наукове поняття та зміст виключних прав як складових суб’єктивного авторського права. Аргументовано пропозиції щодо вдосконалення законодавчого регулювання цього питання. The article analyzes the theoretical provisions regarding the definition of the content of exclusive rights to copyright objects and formulates proposals for the elimination of legal conflicts that arise between national and international legislation regarding the legal regulation of this issue. One of theoretical problems of the Institute of Copyright is the definition of the content of copyright, namely the definition of the content of exclusive rights to it. The issue of defining the content of subjective copyright, and exclusive copyright (as its components) has been differently defined in the science of civil law for a long time. The volume of this term was influenced by both political and socio-economic factors. Therefore, it is very important today, when determining the vector of state development, to give a clear definition of the essence and content of exclusive copyright as part of subjective copyright, which in the developed countries has been assigned the role of a catalyst for market transformations in the political as well as socioeconomic direction, and locomotive of economic development. Summing up, we can conclude that it is necessary to gradually adapt the national legislation of Ukraine to European and world standards, to amend and supplement it in accordance with the international agreements signed by Ukraine. Ukraine, as a member of the Berne Convention, is obliged to grant non-proprietary rights to the subjects of copyright and subjects of related rights and to recognize the author's right to claim authorship in his work and to object to any encroachment on its integrity, as provided by the Berne Convention. However, the consolidation of the content of the exclusive right in paragraph 1 of Art. 32 of the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" in effect imposes on the author the prohibition on using the work to other persons, otherwise this use is completely legal, which in turn contradicts Clause 1 of Article. 32 of the Law, which states that the use of a work by any person is allowed solely on the basis of an author's contract, except in cases stipulated by Art. 21 - 25 of this Law. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the exclusive rights only as property rights, which are capable of freely transferring from one subject to another, and exclusive copyright means the prohibition of all persons to commit certain actions and provides the person who owns this right, the opportunity to permit the commission of these actions, as well as to make the above-stated amendments to Articles 1, 15, 32, 39, 40, 41, 44 of the Law.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Антонович Любчик
Особливості взаємодії оперативних та слідчих підрозділів під час протидії злочинам, пов’язаним з терористичною діяльністю
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