Znaczenie dialogów filozofi cznych świętego Augustyna dla duchowości laikatu
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 1
The author of the article discusses the most important questions of the lay people’s spirituality according to Saint Augustine. He particularly focuses on the relation to the world and that’s why he analyzes the connection of Augustine with Manichaeism. He proves, on the basis of philosophical dialogues that the ideology of this sect did not have a long-lasting effect on the thinking of the saint. Platonic dualism had a greater importance in this case. Augustine emphasizing the goodness of the creature did not appreciate the just autonomy of creatures enough.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Zyzak
Roman Bartnicki, Dzieje głoszenia słowa Bożego. Jezus i najstarszy Kościół, Kraków: Petrus, 2015, ss. 362
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