Znaczenie torfowisk dla wnioskowania o reaktywacji zmarzliny w młodszym dryasie
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 105, Issue
The article presents geological records preserved in deposits of the extensive peatbog developed in the Late Vistulian in the valley floor of the middle Warta River. At the bottom of the organic-mineral series, radiocarbon dated at the Alleröd decline and the Younger Dryas, deformation structures commonly were formed, represented by involutions and some frost fissures which characteristics provide basis to infer the permafrost reactivation. In the study area, the return of permafrost in response to the Younger Dryas cooling was determined not only thermally but to a large extend lithologically, controlled by differences in thermal conductivity of peat, depending on temperature conditions and material saturation. The cold easily penetrating deep during winters and isulation from heat during summers result in a deeper freezing in winters than thawing in summers. Based on the regularities of the evolution of the natural environment of the Łódź Region potential localities of permafrost reactivation were indicated, which allow to conclude about distribution of discontinuous permafrost during the Younger Dryas.
Authors and Affiliations
Danuta Dzieduszyńska, Joanna Petera-Zganiacz
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