cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...
The article concerns the analysis of a special kind of the twentieth-century song described by ZbigniewAdrjański as a "Warsaw song with an address", its genesis and genre links. A key point is the reference to the city f...
Tomasz Nowicki (2013). Żywy trup. Jak kultura popularna reprodukuje lęk przed wykluczeniem. Kultura Popularna, 2(36),
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Kino w Sieci. Jak pisać o filmie? Cały numer
Na antypodach (artystycznego) kabaretu. Specyfika warszawskiej rewii międzywojennej w kontekście globalnych wzorców gatunkowych – rekonesans
cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...
Festiwal w Jarocinie w dobie PRL – historia, znaczenie, funkcje
Warszawska piosenka z adresem (około 1930 r.). Książka adresowa i plan miasta
The article concerns the analysis of a special kind of the twentieth-century song described by ZbigniewAdrjański as a "Warsaw song with an address", its genesis and genre links. A key point is the reference to the city f...
Kultura Popularna nr 2 (40) / 2014, Kultura popularna w PRL