Principios Básicos para el Estudio Geolingüístico de la Variación Journal title: Estudios Románicos Authors: Juan Manuel Hernández Campoy Subject(s): Linguistics, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology
IMPACT OF MEASUREMENT METHODS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF FREE-FLOW SPEED ESTIMATION MODEL FOR BASIC SEGMENT EXPRESSWAYS IN MALAYSIA Journal title: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology Authors: LEONG L.V. and MUHAMMAD H. Subject(s): Engineering, Civil Engineering
АДАПТАЦИЯ МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЙ МОДЕЛИ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ НАЧАЛЬНОЙ МАКСИМАЛЬНОЙ ЦЕНЫ КОНТРАКТА К СОВРЕМЕННЫМ УСЛОВИЯМ ИННОВАЦИОННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ ЭКОНОМИКИ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Инхуа Цао , Пинчук Т.О. , Шлепнёв О.К. , Маркова Н.О. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
EFECTO DEL TIPO DE DESBALANCE SOBRE LA EFICIENCIA Y EL FACTOR DE POTENCIA DE LOS MOTORES ASINCRÓNICOS Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Percy Rafael Viego Felipe, Juan Bautista Cogollos Martínez Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Recálculo de motores asincrónicos trifásicos controlando el par de arranque y la temperatura; Re-design of three phase asynchronos motors controllig the starts torque up and the temperature Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Héctor Brito Socarrás, Esther Bermello Crespo, José Sierra Rodríguez, Miguel A Vega Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Sistema experimental para el monitoreo de instalaciones de potencia haciendo uso de la Web; Experimental System for Power Installations Samples by Using the Web Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Yoel R Rosales Hernández, Mercedes Canasí Piñeiro, Wolf Rayner Novender Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Diagnóstico integral y formación de profesionales; Integral Diagnosis and the Formation of Professionals Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Santiago A Dorrbercker Drake, Lucía Pérez Naranjo, Sergio F Fernández García Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
“Filtro c” para la fuente de alimentación de un inversor trifásico. Una curiosidad técnica; “CAPACITOR FILTER” TO POWER SUPLAY FOR TREE-PHASE INVERTER. A TECHNICAL CURIOSITY. Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Alberto Nilo Basanta Otero Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Nuevo procedimiento para la evaluación de los motores monofásicos de inducción; New approach to single–phase induction motors performance evaluation Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Marcos Alberto de Armas Teyra, Julio Rafael Gómez Sarduy, Percy Rafael Viego Felipe Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Efecto de los armónicos en los motores monofásicos asincrónicos con capacitor de marcha. Harmonic effects on permanent -capacitor single- phase induction motors Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Percy Rafael Viego Felipe, Julio Rafael Gómez Sarduy, Marcos Alberto de Armas Teyra, Vladimir Sousa... Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Reassessment and proposal of synchronization scheme for grid connected static converters under disturbed utility; Nueva evaluación y propuesta de un esquema de sincronización para la conexión a la red de convertidores estáticos de potencia en presencia de Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Giuseppe Buja, Osley López Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Efectos de la variación de la tensión en el comportamiento del motor asincrónico trifásico jaula de ardilla; On the performance of three phase induction motors with different voltage levels Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Laura Collazo Solar, Angel Costa Montie Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
ANÁLISE DA PROPORÇÃO DE IDOSOS COM LIMITAÇÃO DE MOBILIDADE FÍSICA NO BRASIL E NO ESTADO DA PARAÍBA: USO SISTEMA (SISAP-IDOSO) Journal title: Environmental Smoke Authors: Jordane Reis de Meneses Junior Subject(s): Cattle, Dairy processing. Dairy products, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Sports and Recreation, Agricultural Science
univerSaliSmo emancipador... rEpEnsanDo la conDición hUmana para toD@s Journal title: Sudamérica : Revista de Ciencias Sociales Authors: Violeta Olavarría Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
Evaluation of dynamics and equilibrium models for the sorption of Basic Violet 3 on activated carbon prepared from Moringa Oleifera fruit shell waste Journal title: Carbon - Science and Technology Authors: C. Sumithra, S. C. Murugavel, S. Karthikeyan Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Science, Technology