Wpływ dochodów i pracy na poziom zadowolenia z życia Journal title: Optimum. Economic Studies Authors: Ewa Krok Subject(s):
World Economy – “Divine economy” Journal title: Optimum. Economic Studies Authors: Andrzej Proniewski Subject(s):
Healing Power of Sound Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science Authors: Nils de Mol van Otterloo, Nimit Sudan, Matthew Lyons, Murali Nair Subject(s):
“More” than pedagogy… In the Direction of controversial enlightenment of the source character of the philosophy of upbringing Journal title: Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna Authors: Michał Płóciennik Subject(s): Teacher Education, Pedagogy, Psychology, Educational
The Ruling for Disrespect to the Holy Mary in Christian Law Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: MuḥAmmad Riḍā JawāHirī, Sayyid Riḍā MūSawī Subject(s):
Examining Legal Fundamentals of Leaving the Price to an Expert's View (Contract of Sale under an Expert's View) Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: MuḥAmmad Mahdī MiqdāDī Subject(s):
The well-being of people as the object of sociological research: felicitological approach Journal title: Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія Authors: О.М Кириленко Subject(s):
IDEAL AS A CREATIVE PROJECT Journal title: Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія Authors: Л. Чорна Subject(s):
Examining the Relation between an Unauthorized (Fuḍūlī) Contract and Transfer of another’s Property Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: AbbāSs Zirā‘At Subject(s):
Time for Designation of Mabī‘ (Object of Sale) in Wholesale Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: Ahmad Baqeri, Shakiba Amirkhani Subject(s):
Legal Status of the Contract Containing Illegitimate Subject in Imāmī Jurisprudence Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: Sayyid Ali Razavi, Reza Haqpanah Subject(s):
Psychological well-being in student of gender difference Journal title: The International Journal of Indian Psychology Authors: Miss. Sana Akhter Subject(s):
Migrant children: current research highlights in Russia Journal title: Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji Authors: Irina Simaeva Subject(s):
Artykuł 28 § 1 k.k. po nowelizacji z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. Uwagi na temat konieczności oddzielania strony podmiotowej czynu zabronionego od winy Journal title: Studia Iuridica Authors: Zbigniew Jędrzejewski Subject(s):
Rewolucja francuska wobec Kościoła katolickiego w okresie Konwencji (1792–1795) Journal title: Cywilizacja i Polityka Authors: Tadeusz Dmochowski Subject(s):