Finding Trend of Both Frequency and Type of Errors from Software Project Documentation Journal title: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science Authors: Vikas Chomal, Dr. Jatinderkumar Saini Subject(s):
Main objectives regulation and standardization constructions Journal title: Науковий вісник Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі. Серія "Економічні науки" Authors: Khier Falah Sh Al-qaaydeh Mohammad Subject(s):
Actual problems of long-term preservation of documentation in insurance fund of documentation of Ukraine Journal title: Реєстрація, зберігання і обробка даних Authors: V. Podorozhnyi Subject(s):
Fuzzy system for determining the quality of digital images of documents to be microfilmed Journal title: Реєстрація, зберігання і обробка даних Authors: P. Egorov Subject(s):
МАТЕМАТИЧНЕ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ЯКОСТІ ПІДЗЕМНИХ ТРУБОПРОВОДІВ В УМОВАХ КОРОЗІЙНОЇ ВТОМИ Journal title: Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія Authors: Лариса Юзевич Subject(s):
ZASADY PRAWIDŁOWEGO ZATRUDNIANIA KADRY URZĘDNICZEJ Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Prawnicza Authors: Teresa Curzytek Subject(s): Law, Comparative Law
IMPROVEMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT OF FIXED ASSETS AT THE ENTERPRISE Journal title: The Institute of Accounting, Control, and Analysis in the Globalization Circumstances Authors: Valery Malakhov, Irina Onishchenko Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services, Marketing, Control Systems, Accounting, Business
Nursing Documentation: Culture Perception, Motivation, and Commitment(Study in Paru Batu Hospital Malang East Java Indonesia) Journal title: GATR Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review Authors: Agni H. Pratiwi, Armanu ., Dewi K. Ningsih Subject(s):
Quality of Nursing Documentation and Nurse's Objective Workload Based on Time and Motion Study (TMS) Journal title: Indonesian Nursing Journal of Education and Clinic Authors: Mira Melynda Prakosa, Nursalam Nursalam, Candra Panji Asmoro Subject(s):
3D Documentation of Archaeological Excavations Using Image-Based Point Cloud Journal title: International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics Authors: Umut Ovalı, Dursun Zafer SEKER Subject(s):
Improving Performance of Nursing Documentation Based on Knowledge Management Through SECI Concept Model’s Journal title: Jurnal Ners Authors: R. Arief Santoso, Widodo J. Pudjirahardjo Subject(s):
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FEATURES OF DOCUMENTS EXECUTION AND AUDIT OF ROAD TRANSPORTATIONS Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Економіка. Authors: U. P. Novak, M. V. Padiuka, S. M. Pylypenko Subject(s):
SELECTED REQUIREMENTS OF INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS BASED ON PAS 99 SPECIFICATION Journal title: International Journal for Quality Research Authors: Paweł Nowicki, Piotr Kafel, Tadeusz Sikora Subject(s):
Spatial changes in Wrocław neighbourhoods in the years 1997–2017 as a basis for shaping the image of a place Journal title: Architectus Authors: Łukasz Damurski Subject(s):