Analiza przydatności darmowego oprogramowania geo-serwerowego z punktu widzenia wymagań INSPIRE Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Tomasz Grasza, Przemysław Kupidura Subject(s):
Analysis of free geo-server software usability from the viewpoint of INSPIRE requirementsAnalysis of free geo-server software usability from the viewpoint of INSPIRE requirements Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Tomasz Grasza, Przemysław Kupidura Subject(s):
The design of a DataBase for Natural Resources in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) Journal title: Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute Authors: Ion Grigoras, Marian Mierla, Cristian Trifanov, Mihai Doroftei, Silviu Covaliov Subject(s):