Analysis of free geo-server software usability from the viewpoint of INSPIRE requirementsAnalysis of free geo-server software usability from the viewpoint of INSPIRE requirements
Journal Title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology - Year 2014, Vol 63, Issue 2
The paper presents selected server platforms based on free and open source license, coherent with the standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium. The presented programs are evaluated in the context of the INSPIRE Directive. The first part describes the requirements of the Directive, and afterwards presented are the pros and cons of each platform, to meet these demands. This article provides an answer to the question whether the use of free software can provide interoperable network services in accordance with the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive, on the occasion of presenting the application examples and practical tips on the use of particular programs.[b]Keywords[/b]: GIS, INSPIRE, free software, OGC, geoportal, network services, GeoServer, deegree, GeoNetwork
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Grasza, Przemysław Kupidura
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