Przerzuty do otrzewnej raka jelita grubego Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Tomasz Jastrzębski, Wojciech Zegarski Subject(s):
Peritoneal carcinomatosis of colorectal cancer Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Tomasz Jastrzębski, Wojciech Zegarski Subject(s):
Leczenie chorych z przerzutami do otrzewnej raka jelita grubego – zabiegi cytoredukcyjne i dootrzewnowa chemioterapia perfuzyjna w hipertermii (HIPEC). Aspekt finansowy Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Tomasz Jastrzębski, Marek Bębenek Subject(s):
Peritoneal metastases of colorectal origin – cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). The financial aspect Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Tomasz Jastrzębski, Marek Bębenek Subject(s):
Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC in the treatment of peritoneal metastases of sarcomas and other rare malignancies Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Tomasz Olesiński Subject(s):
Miejsce chirurgii cytoredukcyjnej i HIPEC w leczeniu przerzutów do otrzewnej mięsaków oraz innych rzadkich nowotworów Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Tomasz Olesiński Subject(s):
OPTIMAL SURGICAL TREATMENT OF LOCALLY ADVANCED GYNECOLOGICAL MALIGNANCIES Journal title: World Science Authors: V. M. Zaporozhan, O. I. Tkachenko, V. Y. Maksymovskyj, A. A. Mashukov, V. V. Pyrogov Subject(s):
The prevention and treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric cancer: A 2013 update Journal title: Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy Authors: Ansaloni L, Lotti M, Campanati L, Bertoli P, Poiasina E, Mandalà M, Coccolini F Subject(s): Oncology
The implementation of randomized trials in the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer with HIPEC: waiting for new evidence Journal title: Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy Authors: Coccolini F, Lotti M, Catena F, Pisano M, Grosso G, Frigerio L, Ansaloni L Subject(s): Oncology
Cytoreductive surgery combined with HIPEC in newly diagnosed and recurrent ovarian cancer Journal title: European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology Authors: A.A.K. Tentes, T.B. Palaskas, K. Stamou, C.E. Stoforos, N. Pallas, C. Karamveri, D. Kyziridis, V. Ky... Subject(s):
Secondary debulking for ovarian carcinoma relapse: The R-R dilemma – is the prognosis different for residual or recurrent disease? Journal title: Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association Authors: John D. Spiliotis, Christos Iavazzo, Nikolaos D. Kopanakis, Athina Christopoulou Subject(s): Medicine, Gynecology
Platelet Dynamics in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Patients Treated with Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Oxaliplatin Journal title: The AAPS Journal Authors: Carlos Pérez-Ruixo, Belén Valenzuela, José Esteban Peris, Pedro Bretcha-Boix... Subject(s): Medicine
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Oxaliplatin-Induced Neutropenia in Subjects with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Journal title: The AAPS Journal Authors: Belén Valenzuela, Ricardo Nalda-Molina, Pere Bretcha-Boix, Vanesa Escudero-Ortíz, Ma... Subject(s): Medicine
Nanoparticles in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Journal title: Journal of Clinical Medical Research Authors: Spiliotis John1*, Spiliotis Nicolas-Jason1,2, Saroyan Hayarpi1 Subject(s): Medical science