Modern approaches to carrying out profound medical examination of servicemen of Security Service of Ukraine Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: I. Lurin, H. Titov, V. Zavaletskyi , S. Danilevsky Subject(s):
THE PROBLEM OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION IN THE STATE OF ALCOHOL INTOXICATION IN UKRAINE Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: G. Petyunin, V. Krivobok, A. Chubenko Subject(s):
Сучасні підходи до проведення поглиблених медичних оглядів військовослужбовців Служби Безпеки України Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: I. Lurin, H. Titov, V. Zavaletskyi , S. Danilevsky Subject(s):
Preperitoneal fat thickness (PFT) of patients undergoing a medical examination assessed by an ultrasonographic method Journal title: Journal of Analytical Bio-Science Authors: Emi Uchibori Subject(s):
Pre-Participation Sports Screening Journal title: Fizička kultura Authors: Vujadin Mujović, Dejan Čubrilo Subject(s):
ПРАВОВЫЕ И ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫЕ ПРОБЕЛЫ В МЕДИЦИНСКОМ ОСВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАНИИ НА СОСТОЯНИЕ ОПЬЯНЕНИЯ В УКРАИНЕ Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: G. Petyunin, V. Krivobok, A. Chubenko Subject(s):
Psychiatrist’s opinions on somatic health in patients with schizophrenia – results of a Polish nationwide study Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Andrzej Kiejna, Tomasz Adamowski Subject(s):
UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAVS) - THE FUTURE OF AERIAL BATTLEFIELD? Journal title: The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology Authors: Bronisław Turski, Wojciech Dębiński Subject(s):
ANALYSIS OF MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE AVIATION HIGH SCHOOL IN DĘBLIN FROM 2013 TO 2015 Journal title: The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology Authors: Wojciech Dębiński, Bronisław Turski, Adam Jaskowski Subject(s):
Do workers’ health surveillance examinations fulfill their occupational preventive objective? Analysis of the medical practice of occupational physicians in Catalonia, Spain Journal title: International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Authors: Mari Cruz Rodríguez-Jareño, Emilia Molinero, Jaume de Montserrat, Antoni Vallès, Marta Aymerich Subject(s):
The cause and duration of delay in medical examination of victims of sexual offence in a tertiary care setting of a metro city in India Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. Indrani Das, Dr. Kanad Bag, Dr. Arup Chakraborty, Prof. S. Batabyal Subject(s):
Medical examination of child of sexual assault under the protection of children from sexual offences (POSCO), act 2012 Journal title: IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences Authors: B.L. Chaudhary, Raghvendra Kr Subject(s):
A Study of Alleged Rape Victim Cases in Dibrugarh District Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Dr Renuka Rongpharpi, Dr Arpan Mazumder Subject(s):
Practices, Scope and Determinants of School Health Services in Osun State, Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: O. L. Abodunrin, O. A. Adeoye, A. A. Adeomi, F. F. Osundina, O. R. Ilori Subject(s):
Respiratory Morbidities among Workers Employed in Cotton Industries in Surendranagar City Journal title: Healthline Authors: Shashwat Nagar, Hiren Patel, Noopur Nagar Subject(s):