New Secure and Advanced Algorithm for Stream Ciphers Extended RC4 and FPGA Implementation Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Physical effort – an underused preventable method in colorectal cancer Journal title: Revista de Medicină Militară Authors: Mihaita Patrasescu, Petrut Nuta, Raluca S. Costache, Sandica Bucurica, Bogdan Macadon, Vasile Balaba... Subject(s):
Epigenetic modifications and gene expression in cancerogenesis Journal title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis Authors: Marta Poczęta, Ewa Nowak, Dominik Bieg, Ilona Bednarek Subject(s):
Clinical and Statistical Study Regarding the Prevalence of Odonto-Periodontal Changes in Patients with Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Smaranda Adelina Preda, Iren Moraru, Mihaela Raescu, Adina Bunget, Andreea Nicola, Lelia Gheorghita,... Subject(s):
Evaluation of correlation between cervical rib and cervical plexopathy: a prospective study of clinical and radiological diagnosis, management and outcomes Journal title: International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences Authors: Rajendra Prasad Butala, vinit vimal karn, Dynaesh Patil, Piyush Ranjan Singh Subject(s):
Review on non -pharmacological treatment for type-2 diabetes mellitus Journal title: International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics (IJRPP) Authors: Kameswaran R Subject(s):
“A Proverb a Day Keeps Boredom Away.” Anti-Proverbs, Twisted Proverbs, Perverbs and Other Animals Journal title: New Horizons in English Studies Authors: Justyna Mandziuk Subject(s):
ПРОЗА ЯК ІСТОРИКО-ТЕОРЕТИЧНА ПРОБЛЕМА УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ КІНЦЯ XIX – ПОЧАТКУ XX СТОЛІТТЯ Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія Authors: Oksana Novitskaya Subject(s):
Bioethics and Hereditary Genetic Modifications Journal title: Conatus - Journal of Philosophy Authors: Željko Kaluđerović Subject(s):
An Overview on Modifications of Twin Block Appliance Journal title: Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences Authors: Sharath Kumar Shetty, Mahesh Kumar Y, Achu R. Babu, Vijayananda Madhur Subject(s):
Assessment of degree of awareness about diet, physical exercise, and lifestyle modifications among diabetic patients Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Thamarai Rajappa, Kalavathy Ponniraivan, Hemalatha Kalyan, Sivakumar Karunanandham Subject(s):
ON THE QUESTION OF DEFINING CRITERIA OF THE PREPOSITIONAL EQUIVALENT SYNTACTIC SEPARATNESS (BASED ON CAUSAL PREPOSITIONAL EQUIVALENTS IN ENGLISH AND MODERN GREEK) Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Перекладознавство та міжкультурна комунікація» Authors: В.Є. Хоровець Subject(s):
The verbal term-combinations in the German professional legal language Journal title: Держава та регіони. Серія: Гуманітарні науки Authors: А. А. Дерябіна Subject(s):
Modifiable risk factors of cardio vascular diseases among adults an assessment Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Kalaiselvi Sharma, Sasikala P, Kamaraj Padmavathi, Rachel Rosaline Subject(s):