Multi Focus Image Fusion using Combined Median and Average Filter based Hybrid Stationary Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Tian Lianfang, Jameel Ahmed Bhutto, Du Qiliang, Bhawani Shankar, Saifullah Adnan Subject(s):
Some Stationary Solutions of Schrodinger Map Equation Journal title: Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Authors: Yanting Zhou, Hui Yang, Ganshan Yang Subject(s):
Моделювання нестаціонарних процесів із структурними розривам8 Journal title: Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ» Серія: Математичне моделювання в техніці та технологіях Authors: Т.О. Маринич, Л.Д. Назаренко, К.В. Гец Subject(s):
REAL EFFECTIVE EXCHANGE RATE OF INDIA: PATTERNS AND DETERMINANTS Journal title: International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism Authors: Debesh Bhowmik Subject(s):
Technique Based on Cuckoo’s Search Algorithm for Exudates Detection in Diabetic Retinopathy Journal title: Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal Authors: Srishti . Subject(s):
Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate in Sudan (1972-2013) Journal title: International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research (IJECR) Authors: MULHEM YOUSIF DAF ALLA, SIHAM ABDALATEEF AHMED Subject(s):
Comparison of the calculation results of heat exchange between a single-family building and the ground obtained with the quasi-stationary and 3-d transient models. Part 1: continuous heating mode Journal title: Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports Authors: A. Staszczuk Subject(s):
Optimization of non-stationary Stackelberg models using a self-adaptive evolutionary algorithm Journal title: TecnoLógicas Authors: Olga P. Cedeño-Fuentes, Lorena Arboleda-Castro, Iván Jacho-Sánchez, Pavel Novoa-Hernández Subject(s):
SELECTION OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION MODEL FOR SOLVING IDENTIFICATION PROBLEMS AT NON-STATIONARY LOADING Journal title: Автомобильный транспорт Authors: Y. Yaniutin, D. Bogdan, A. Voropay, S. Povalyaiev Subject(s):
Sidereal Time Distribution in Large-Scale of Orbits by usingAstronomical Algorithm Method Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Simple Steps for Fitting Arima Model to Time Series Data for Forecasting Using R Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Prediction of life of 12X18H10T steel in isothermal creep in uniaxial tension Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: I. Doyar, V. Poshyvalov Subject(s):
A Review on Various Image Watermarking Technique Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
The method of dynamic stresses determination of media with tunnel cavities Journal title: Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету Authors: Olena Mikulich, Vasyl’ Shvabjuk Subject(s):
INVESTIGATION ON TORSIONAL VIBRATION OF DRILL STRING IN CYLINDRICAL CAVITIES OF VERTICAL BORE-HOLE WITH LIQUID MEDIUM Journal title: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) Authors: Subject(s):