PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF MOTIVATION IN RAISING THE SPIRITUAL MATURITY OF THE STUDENT IN THE PROCESS OF LITERARY EDUCATION Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Zaynobiddinov Fayzullo Muhammadkarim ugli Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
Educational Migration from Arctic Regions of Russia That Do Not Have Independent Universities Journal title: Arctic and North Authors: Chernyshev K.A., Konyshev E.V., Petrov E.Yu. Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science
Percipirana akademska kontrola, vrednost zadatka i sklonost ka digitalnoj distrakciji tokom onlajn učenja: medijaciona uloga dosade Journal title: Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education Authors: Cvetković Kristina, Opsenica Kostić Jelena Subject(s): Education, Pedagogy
Numerical Computations of Demographic Population Dynamics Models Journal title: Account and Financial Management Journal Authors: Jawad Kadhim Tahir. Subject(s): Economics, Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth, Business, Commercial, Consumer and Financial Law, Accounting, Business, Finance
XIX əsrdə Yelizavetpol quberniyasında sənaye istehsalının inkişafı və ümumi vəziyyəti Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Şəfa Musayeva Azərbaycan Dövlət Aqrar Universiteti Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
BİR GÜNLÜK CÜCƏLƏRİN VİTAMİNLƏR VƏ DƏRMAN PREPARATLARI İLƏ AEROZOL MÜALİCƏSI Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Şahmar Məmməd oğlu Məmmədov Heyvandarlıq Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu aqrar elmlər üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
Məmməd Araz yaradıcılığında Azərbaycançılıq ideologiyası Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Qərənfil Rzayeva Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
ŞUŞANIN CABBARI VƏ XANI Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Gülnarə Şahmuradova Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
CİNAYƏTKAR HƏRƏKƏTSİZLİYİN NÖVLƏRİ Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Heyvagül Vəliyeva Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
İBTİDAİ ARAŞDIRMA Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Bətulə Tarverdiyeva Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary