Żywy i jasny umysł... O Evanie Thompsonie. Wprowadzenie Journal title: AVANT. Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej Authors: Subject(s):
Action or Contemplation. Note on the Relationship between the Thracian Maid to the Angelic Doctor Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Cristophe Perrin Subject(s):
Linear Motion Profile Generation using a Danaher Thomson Actuator with Ball Screw Drive Journal title: Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration Authors: Dan DUMITRIU, Daniel BALDOVIN, Emil VIDEA Subject(s):
تأثير مدت زمان کشش متعاقب انقباض ايزومتريک بر اکستانسيون مفصل ران در زنان با کوتاهی عضله ايليوپسوآس<br /> <br /> Journal title: مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد Authors: asghar Akbari, mahboubeh Mohammadi Subject(s):
La possession du degré d’autonomie chez les vivants Journal title: Scientia et Fides Authors: Philippe Dalleur Subject(s):
Formulation of Low Peclet Number Based Grid Expansion Factor for the Solution of the Convection Diffusion Equation Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: A. Abdullah Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
Canonicity and (In)visibility of Polish American Literature Journal title: Polonia Journal Authors: Sonia Caputa Subject(s):
ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУ ЗБУДНИКА ПЛЯМИСТОСТІ ПЕРЦЮ XANTHOMONAS VESICATORIA НА АКТИВНІСТЬ ФОТОСИНТЕТИЧНОГО АПАРАТУ Journal title: Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: Біологія Authors: Г. Б. ГУЛЯЄВА, О. О. ЛИТВИНЧУК Subject(s):
The Aristotelian Criticism of the Liberal Foundations of Modern State Journal title: Polish Political Science Yearbook Authors: Marcin Gajek Subject(s): Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology
Il Principio di Individiuazione nella Costituzione della Persona Umana Journal title: The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II Authors: Borislav Dadić Subject(s):
Long-term effect of niclosamide on inhibition of bacterial leaf blight in rice Journal title: Journal of Plant Protection Research Authors: Sung-Il Kim, Jun Soo Kwak, Jong Tae Song, Hak Soo Seo Subject(s):
Z warsztatu młodego tłumacza. Komentarz do przekładu fragmentów powieści Thomasa Brussiga Helden wie wir Journal title: OderÜbersetzen Authors: Piotr Hęćka Subject(s):
Arystoteles w kazaniach św. Tomasza z Akwinu Journal title: Przegląd Tomistyczny Authors: Paweł Krupa Subject(s):
Transforming Aristotelian Philosophy: Alexander of Aphrodisias in Aquinas’ Early Anthropology and Eschatology Journal title: Przegląd Tomistyczny Authors: Katja Krause Subject(s):
Die Verwendbarkeit der Dinge: Die Diskussion um das uti im 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhundert . Journal title: Przegląd Tomistyczny Authors: Guy Guldentops Subject(s):