The text is a portrayal of Dedecius´ early literary activities in Poland by means of
personal encounters, which the author had with Dedecius, first on Warsaw book fair,
later on by other opportunities in the frame of Ger...
Piotr Hęćka (2016). Z warsztatu młodego tłumacza. Komentarz do przekładu
fragmentów powieści Thomasa Brussiga Helden wie wir. OderÜbersetzen, 5(),
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Inhalt / Spi treści
Meine ersten Begegnungen mit Karl Dedecius
The text is a portrayal of Dedecius´ early literary activities in Poland by means of personal encounters, which the author had with Dedecius, first on Warsaw book fair, later on by other opportunities in the frame of Ger...
Peter (Piotr) Lachmann. Nicht nur Übersetzer