Comparison of various spatial interpolation methods for precipitation in Turkey<p>Türkiye’de yağışın farklı mekânsal enterpolasyon yöntemleriyle karşılaştırılması Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Necla Türkoğlu, Olgu Aydın, Neşe Duman, İhsan Çiçek Subject(s):
The social life in Turkey in the early republic era in the perspective of the New York Times<p>The New York Times’ın gözünden erken cumhuriyet döneminde Türkiye’de sosyal hayat Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Mustafa Şahin Subject(s):
The effects of job satisfaction on nurses' professional status: A meta analysis<p>Hemşirelerde çalışma statüsünün iş doyumuna etkisi: Bir meta analiz çalışması Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Filiz Kantek, Handan Kartal Subject(s):
Knowledge and opinions of nursing students on palliative care: A university example Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Esra Usta, Dilek Aygin, Elvan Sağlam Subject(s):
Monthly precipitation trends, precipitation temporal shifts and precipitation trends regimes in Turkey (1971-2010)<p>Türkiye'de aylık yağış eğilimleri, yağış kaymaları ve yağış Eğilim Rejimleri (1971-2010) Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Erkan Yılmaz Subject(s):
Forest fire risk analysis via integration of GIS, RS and AHP: The Case of Çanakkale, Turkey Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Cengiz Akbulak, Hasan Tatlı, Gurcu Aygün, Bülent Sağlam Subject(s):
In terms of geographical indicators change of rural in Turkey (1980-2012 period)<p>Coğrafi göstergeler açısından Türkiye’de kırsal değişim (1980-2012 dönemi) Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Fethi Ahmet Canpolat, Selçuk Hayli Subject(s):
Land capability classification based on ecological properties of Tekirdag province<p>Tekirdağ ilinin ekolojik koşullarına göre arazi kabiliyet sınıflandırması Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Emre Özşahin, İlker Eroğlu Subject(s):
Representation of socioscientific issues in the most popular Turkish daily newspapers Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Nurcan Tekin, Oktay Aslan, Süleyman Yılmaz Subject(s):
2018 YILINA KADAR AB DENİZYOLU TAŞIMACILIĞININ STRATEJİK HEDEFLERİ VE ÖNERİLERİNİN TÜRKİYE'YE YANSIMASI1 Journal title: JOEEP: Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy Authors: Emin Serkan Dönmez, Serap İNCAZ Subject(s):
GLOBAL KRİZ SONRASI TÜRKİYE’DE EKONOMİK RİSK FAKTÖRLERİ Journal title: JOEEP: Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy Authors: Bige Küçükefe Subject(s):
Geochemistry and tectonic signifi cance of the ophiolitic rocks of the Yarpuz-Kaypak (Amanoslar, Osmaniye) area Journal title: Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Authors: Tamer RIZAOĞLU, Utku BAĞCI, Osman PARLAK Subject(s):
Rare earth element (REE) resources of Turkey: An overview of their characteristics and origin Journal title: Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Authors: Hüseyin ÖZTÜRK, Nurullah HANİLÇİ, Sinan ALTUNCU, Cem KASAPÇI Subject(s):
Paleoseismological catalog of Pre-2012 trench studies on the active faults in Turkey Journal title: Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Authors: Şule GÜRBOĞA, Oktay GÖKÇE Subject(s):
Turcja i Rosja wobec problemów bezpieczeństwa Bliskiego Wschodu w drugiej dekadzie XXI w. Journal title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe Authors: Paulina Stępniewska Subject(s):