Discriminating defected and sound fruits of olive according to external damage area using image processing techniques Journal title: International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences Authors: Amir-Hossein Afkari-Sayyah, Hossein Azarmdel, Mansour Rasekh and Tarahom Mesri-Gundoshmian Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, Zoology and Animal Science, Agricultural Economics
Olive classification according to RGB, HSV and L*a*b* color parameters using Image processing technique Journal title: International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences Authors: Hossein Azarmdel, Amir-Hossein Afkari-Sayyah, Hossein Ghaffari and Amir Alipasandi Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, Zoology and Animal Science, Agricultural Economics
Impacts of climate change on biodiversity Journal title: International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences Authors: Saeed Sharafi, Parviz Haghighat Jou and Niloofar Alavi Tabaee Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, Zoology and Animal Science, Agricultural Economics
Estimating Earthen Dam-Breach Parameters Journal title: Journal of River Engineering Authors: Amin Khodabandeh Shahraki, Mahdi Moharrampour Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering
Estimation of Flood Warning Times for Flood Safety Management Downstream of Dams Journal title: Journal of River Engineering Authors: Saqib Ehsan - Walter Marx - Silke Wieprecht Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering
Classification of Water Quality of Gharasoo River for different uses in the wet and dry years Journal title: Journal of River Engineering Authors: jaber soltani , fariba khodabakhshi , mohammad dadashi Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering
THE EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN HEALTH Journal title: Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology Authors: Shyam Bihari Sharma Suman Jain Praveen Khirwadkar Sunisha Kulkarni Subject(s): Biotechnology, Pharmacy
Knowledge, perceptions and awareness about HIV/Aids among private university students in Bangladesh Journal title: Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology Authors: Madhabi Lata Shuma, Shimul Halder Subject(s): Biotechnology, Pharmacy
Production and Reproductive Performance of Bhadawari Buffaloes in Uttar Pradesh, India Journal title: Journal of Buffalo Science Authors: B.P. Kushwaha, Sultan Singh, N. Das, S.B. Maity, K.K. Singh and J. Jayasankar Subject(s): Veterinary Science
Gaia gestão do conhecimento: um estudo de caso no desenvolvimento de um portal corporativo para o gerenciamento do conhecimento dentro de fábricas de software Journal title: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management (IJKEM) Authors: Anderson de Souza Góes, Rodolfo Miranda de Barros Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science
A Utilização de Histórias de Usuários no Levantamento de Requisitos Ágeis para o Desenvolvimento de Software Journal title: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management (IJKEM) Authors: Hugo Estevam Romeu Longo, Madalena Pereira Silva Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science
Relações entre o Capital Social, o Compartilhamento de Conhecimento Interorganizacional e a Inovação em Empresas de Desenvolvimento de Softwares Journal title: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management (IJKEM) Authors: Carlos Olavo Quandt, Paulo Roberto Pereira Junior Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science
Planejamento Estratégico apoiado por software: pesquisa-ação em uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior Journal title: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management (IJKEM) Authors: Vinicius Sobreira Braga, Marcos Fernando Machado de Medeiros, Isabela Machado Papalardo Landfeldt, M... Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science
CREATION AND EXPLOITATION OF POSITIVE IMAGE OF SPORT IN SOCIAL AWARENESS Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Marina Bogdanova, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
CENSORSHIP AS A MEANS OF PRESERVING NATIONAL IDENTITY Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Elena Agapova, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research