О некоторых вопросах защиты прав национальных меньшинств в современных условиях Journal title: Legea și viața Authors: Boris SOSNA, Vladimir VALKAN Subject(s):
Medical Malpractice as a Tort in the U.S., as a Crime in Italy: Factors, Causes, Paths and Outcomes Journal title: The Age of Human Rights Journal Authors: Andrea Di Landro Subject(s): Law, Human Rights
ALTERNATİF UYUŞMAZLIK ÇÖZÜMÜ ALANINDA HUKUK POLİTİKASI BELGESİ Journal title: Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Mustafa Serdar ÖZBEK Subject(s): Law
Access to Justice: A Concept in the Light of the European and American International Systems Journal title: Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications Authors: Makowiecky Salles B* and Márcio Cruz P Subject(s): Medical Ethics