A Sociological Approach to the Phenomenon of Forced-Mass Migration: The Case of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Turkey Journal title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- Authors: Salih AYDEMİR, Mehmet Cem ŞAHİN Subject(s):
The Effect of Asylum Seekers on Foreign Tourists’ Destination Choices: A Study Related to Turkey Journal title: Alanya Akademik Bakış Authors: Volkan ARATİMUR, Yılmaz AKGUNDUZ Subject(s):
REGIME OF REFUGEES IN ROMANIA. THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ITS RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Oana-Adriana IACOB Subject(s):
PARALLEL BETWEEN THE REFUGEE CONCEPT ACCORDING TO THE CONVENTION RELATING TO THE STATUS OF REFUGEES FROM 1951 AND ITS PROTOCOL FROM 1967 AND THE REFUGEE CONCEPT ACCORDING TO EUROPEAN LAW Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Patricia Casandra PAPUC Subject(s):
The Images and Rights of Migrants in the Kenyan Media Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Subject(s):
EFFECTS OF MIGRATION ON EUROPEAN ECONOMY Journal title: MEST Journal Authors: Kristian Ujvary Subject(s):
Recent Updates on the Migration, Asylum and Integration of Aliens in Romania Journal title: EUROLIMES Authors: Alexandra-Mădălina POPA Subject(s):
International Migration into Europe – An Old-new Challenge from the Afro-Asian Neighbourhood Journal title: EUROLIMES Authors: Károly KOCSIS, Judit MOLNÁR SANSUM, Gábor MICHALKÓ, Zsolt BOTTLIK, Balázs SZABÓ, Dániel BALIZS, Györ... Subject(s):
Leper Asylum Inpurulia and the German Missionaries: A Case Study Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: Anamika Ganguly Subject(s):
Investigation of Infections in Illegal Immigrants Brought To the Emergency Department of a Hospital Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: Erdal Tekin1, Selma Sezen, Fatma Kesmez Can Subject(s):
PROBLEMA COPIILOR AFLAȚI SUB OCROTIREA STATULUI ÎN PERIOADA INTERBELICĂ ÎN BASARABIA DE SUD / The issue of children under State care in the interwar period in Southern Bessarabia Journal title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie Authors: MARIANA DAKI (FILIMON) Subject(s):
ПРОБЛЕМА ШУКАЧІВ ПРИТУЛКУ ТА ЇЇ ВПЛИВ НА ФОРМУВАННЯ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія Authors: Nataliia Kadenko Subject(s):
Refugees’ burden on countries and territories in the formation of policies on refugees and asylum seekers Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: економіка, управління та адміністрування Authors: V.V. Ievdokymov, K.V. Shymanska Subject(s):
Features of legal regulation of realization of the constitutional right of a person to seek asylum in Ukraine Journal title: Прикарпатський юридичний вісник Authors: Я. О. Грабова Subject(s):
How Safe Shall be a Third Country for Asylum-Seekers from a European Perspective? The Human Rights Implications of the EU-Turkey Deal and the Assessment of the ECHR/General Court Journal title: Journal of Identity and Migration Studies Authors: Radu CARP Subject(s):