Machine-music in Preschool Education. How to Provide Music Experience with Classics? Journal title: Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education Authors: Edit Barta-Góhér Subject(s):
Current Problems of Arts Education and Training in Primary Education Journal title: Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education Authors: Zuzana Sláviková Subject(s):
The Level of School Readiness of Five-year-olds within the Area of Social Development in View of the Pedagogic Principles of Maria Montessori – an Analysis Report Journal title: Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education Authors: Barbara Surma Subject(s):
Науковий жаргон в оцiнцi мовознавцiв (до iсторiï питання)/ Journal title: Slavia Orientalis Authors: Pyłyp Selihey Subject(s):
SUPPLEMENTS USE IN ELITE ATHLETES IN RELATION TO ATTITUDES, BELIEFS AND KNOWLEDGE Journal title: Medicina Sportiva Authors: Jaime Morente-Sánchez, Mikel Zabala Subject(s):
Patients and nurses attitude towards pain management with alternative methods Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: E. Theodosopoulou, F. Vazourakis, I. Filintras, D. Gkika, P. Dimitrakaki, A. Chadzopulu Subject(s):
A cross-sectional study to assess knowledge and attitudes related to Basic Life Support among undergraduate medical students in Tamil Nadu, India Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: G Mani, K Annadurai, R Danasekaran, JD Ramasamy Subject(s):
Epigenetics: why it is worth to cultivate the good habits Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Gabriela Orłowska-Matuszewska Subject(s):
Epigenetyka, czyli dlaczego warto pielęgnować dobre nawyki Journal title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science Authors: Gabriela Orłowska-Matuszewska Subject(s):
Organ transplantation – the view of healthcare employees Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Grażyna Kobus, Marta Buzun-Milewska, Jacek Małyszko, Hanna Bachórzewska-Gajewska, Jolanta Małyszko Subject(s):
The attitude of Bavarian youth towards School Physical Activity Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Krystyna Sawicka, Beata Sikorska-Krzyżosiak Subject(s):
The State of Research of Valeological Aspect as a Part of Professional Training of Correctional Psychologists Journal title: International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies Authors: Daria Suprun Subject(s):
Kto zasługuje na pomoc? Poparcie dla wybranych inicjatyw prospołecznych wśród studentów uczelni warszawskich Journal title: Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education Authors: Ariadna Ciążela Subject(s):
Who Deserves Help? The Support for Selected Prosocial Initiatives Among Students of Universities of Warsaw Journal title: Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education Authors: Ariadna Ciążela Subject(s):
Emotional attitudes of young people completing secondary schools towards genetic modification of organisms (GMO) and genetically modified foods (GMF) Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Anna Jurkiewicz, Jerzy Zagórski, Franciszek Bujak, Stanisław Lachowski, Magdalena Florek - Łuszczki Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science