Translation and Interpretation Studies in Sustainable Development: Dealing with Linguistic Barriers in Medicare in Kenya Journal title: International Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences Authors: Toboso Mahero Bernard Subject(s):
Джерела правового регулювання відносин з надання медичної допомоги / Sources of the Legal Regulation of Relations on Medical Care Delivery Journal title: Університетські наукові записки Authors: Алла ГЕРЦ Subject(s):
A right for citizens on a health protection Journal title: Актуальні проблеми правознавства Authors: Myroslav Ivanchuk, Nataliia Butryn-Boka Subject(s):
Association between persistent high costs and chronic physical, mental and disability-related health conditions among community-dwelling Medicare-Medicaid dually eligible enrollees Journal title: Archives of Community Medicine and Public Health Authors: L Zhao, KK Anderson, G Riley Subject(s):
Medicare and Medicaid Unifying or Crushing? This is the Dilemma Journal title: Public Health Open Access Authors: Eldo E Frezza Subject(s):
Features of the medication procedure in the regulation of medical conflicts Journal title: Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav Authors: K.R. Rezvorovich Subject(s):
Aging and choice: Applications to Medicare Part D Journal title: Judgment and Decision Making Authors: Betty E. Tanius, Stacey Wood, Yaniv Hanoch, and Thomas Rice Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences
How the number of options and perceived variety influence choice satisfaction: An experiment with prescription drug plans Journal title: Judgment and Decision Making Authors: Helena Szrek Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences
Exploring the demand for a voluntary medicare prescription drug benefit Journal title: The AAPS Journal Authors: Richard R. Cline, David A. Mott Subject(s): Medicine
Medicare and Medicaid Unifying or Crushing? Journal title: Public Health Open Access Authors: Eldo E Frezza* and Mitchel Wacthel Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
Editorial: Should Registered Nurses have the Ability to Analyze Clinical Laboratory Tests? A Response to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Request for Information Journal title: Nursing & Healthcare International Journal Authors: Brown T* Subject(s): Nursing