Analysis of Urinary Organic Acid Profile in Clinically Suspected Patients Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Authors: Sezer Uysal, Canan Çoker, Yeşim Öztürk, Nur Arslan Subject(s): Biochemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy, Medical Imaging and Radiology, Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychiatry
Bridging the gap between industry and academia: Establishing an industry advisory board in Ecuador’s higher education system Journal title: MASKANA Authors: Hubert B. Van Hoof, Alexandra Galarza-Torres, Lourdes M. Sánchez-Rodas, María-Isabel Eljuri J., Marl... Subject(s): Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science
El enfoque de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Química Orgánica Journal title: Revista Conrado Authors: MSc. Yanelain Martínez Olmo, MSc. Annette Padilla Gómez Subject(s): Education, Teacher Education
Estudiante, curso de educación a distancia en Moodle, una opción para ti, experiencias en la sede Conrado Benítez Journal title: Revista Conrado Authors: MSc. María Gertrudis Pérez Fleites, MSc. Margelys Hernández Delgado, MSc. Lieter Elena Lamí Rodrígue... Subject(s): Education, Teacher Education
ANALISIS KANDUNGAN BAHAN ORGANIK DAN BAKTERI Patogen (E. coli) DI PELABUHAN BASTIONG DAN PANTAI KAYU MERAH KOTA TERNATE Journal title: Techno: Jurnal Penelitian Authors: Mesrawaty Sabar, Inayah Inayah Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Materials Science, Architecture, Agricultural Science
Visual Analysis of Stochastic Trajectory Ensembles in Organic Solar Cell Design Journal title: Informatics Authors: Sathish Kottravel, Riccardo Volpi, Mathieu Linares, Timo Ropinski and Ingrid Hotz Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Medicine, Information Science, Management Science
Computational study of the molecular mechanism of Lonicera japonica organic acids against influenza Journal title: Traditional Medicine Research Authors: Luo Xuan, Shen Xia, Hu Ben-Xiang, Wang Hao, Zhao Zhen-Yu, Guo Zi-Hu Subject(s): Medicine
Single crystals of fullerene (C60) makes organic thick film solar cells and self supporting organic solar cells possible Journal title: Carbon - Science and Technology Authors: Prakash R. Somani, Savita P. Somani, M. Umeno Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Science, Technology
PROPOSTA DE EXERCÍCIOS DA DISCIPLINA DE QUÍMICA ORGÂNICA PARA O FORTALECIMENTO DA APRENDIZAGEM DA NOMENCLATURA DE ÁLCOÓIS NOS ESTUDANTES ISCED-HUAMBO Journal title: Revista Angolana de Ciências Authors: Roberto Alfonso Viltres Rodríguez , Jéssica Helena Litonga, Luis Arza Pascual Subject(s): Miscellaneous
МОДИФИЦИРОВАННЫЙ ЛЕГКИЙ БЕТОН В ИРКУТСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Урханова Л.А. , Ефременко А.С. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
RESEARCH ON CONSUMER COMMITMENT TO ORGANIC FOOD IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA Journal title: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology Authors: V. TRUKHACHEV, E. EPIMAKHOVA, V. IVASHOVA, E. RASTOVAROV Subject(s): Engineering, Civil Engineering
Взаимодействие архитектуры индивидуального жилого дома с природной средой (конец XIX - начало XXI века) Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Красилова Л.А. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ НЕФТЕШЛАМОВ В ДОРОЖНОМ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Лофлер М. , Шелегов В.Г. , Слободчикова Н.А. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
Potencial Energético de Codigerir Estiércol bovino, Lodos cloacales y residuos de Comida/Energy Potential to Codigest Cattle manure, sewage sludge and food waste Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Roberto Vizcon Toledo, Florentino Sanchez Portilla Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Modelos de tomada de decisão e sua relação com a informação orgânica Journal title: Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia Authors: Mariana Lousada, Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim Subject(s): Information Science