Kairos and Carnival: Mikhail Bakhtin’s Rhetorical and Ethical Christian Vision Journal title: Religions Authors: Ian Bekker Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
sTUDEnT TEAChEr prOfEssIOnAl DEVElOpmEnT fOr ThE 21sT CEnTUry Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: angela James Subject(s): Education
Le quattro cause della tragedia Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Andrea Vestrucci Subject(s):
The Four Causes of Tragedy Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Andrea Vestrucci Subject(s):
Philosophy in the educational process: Understanding what cannot be taught Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Lucian Ionel Subject(s):
Traktát o vybraných problémech teorie a praxe v oblasti pedagogických věd Journal title: Pedagogicka Orientace Authors: Jaroslav Koťa Subject(s):
Treatise on selected problems of theory and practice in the area of educational sciences Journal title: Pedagogicka Orientace Authors: Jaroslav Koťa Subject(s):
Student to Teacher Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Sheila Spence Subject(s):
Jurisprudence as phronetic experience: formulation of the problem Journal title: Проблеми законності Authors: Наталія Сатохіна Subject(s):
Egzystencja hermeneutyczna jako egzystencja fronetyczna: Radykalizm ludzkiej odpowiedzialności Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Andrzej Wierciński Subject(s):
Funkcje mądrości praktycznej w etyce Paula Ricoeura Journal title: Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo. Interdyscyplinarny Rocznik Filozoficzno-Naukowy Authors: Ewelina Katarzyna Pyrka Subject(s):
The Philosophical Category of "Risk" Journal title: Philosophy International Journal Authors: Stefano Maso Subject(s): Philosophy, Theology, Philosophy of Mind