Egzystencja hermeneutyczna jako egzystencja fronetyczna: Radykalizm ludzkiej odpowiedzialności

Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2015, Vol 60, Issue 2


Hermeneutic existence is a phronetic existence aiming at nurturing practical wisdom in human life: It originates with life, affects life, and transforms life. Hermeneutic truth is a world-disclosive truth of understanding. The experience of hermeneutic truth calls for human Dasein’s personal engagement and existential answer, and expresses hermeneutic moral imperative. In his phenomenology of religious life, Heidegger reinterprets Augustine’s essential disclosure of the being that we are and formalizes his notion of inquietum cor, cura, memoria, and tentatio distorting their original religious context. With reference to Heidegger’s analysis of Dasein, Gadamer emphasizes that understanding is not only one of the human faculties, but a mode of Dasein’s being-in-theworld. Gadamer’s hermeneutics is not a methodology of interpretation, but a philosophical reflection on the nature of understanding, which transgresses the concept of a method. Since all true understanding is application of what is understood to the subject of understanding, understanding encompasses the whole of human life in its radical openness toward oneself, the other, and the world. Hermeneutics as practical philosophy motivates human beings to actively participate in the life of the community, which is our inherent and inalienable right and moral imperative.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Wierciński


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How To Cite

Andrzej Wierciński (2015). Egzystencja hermeneutyczna jako egzystencja fronetyczna: Radykalizm ludzkiej odpowiedzialności. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 60(2), 204-228.