Analysis of the implementation of state and local budgets of Ukraine Journal title: Економічний вісник університету Authors: Vitalina Malyshko, Anna Puchko Subject(s):
Assessment of contemporary public budgeting in Ukraine in the context of a globalizing Journal title: Економічний вісник університету Authors: Sergey Bobukh Subject(s):
Evaluation of the location of tax receiving in local budget income Journal title: Економічний вісник університету Authors: Oleh Kalmykov Subject(s):
Perspective directions of improvement of management of intergovernmental fiscal relations in Ukraine on the example of the developed countries of the world Journal title: Економіка. Екологія. Соціум Authors: Viktoriia Butenko Subject(s): Economics
Family of Graceful Diameter Six Trees Generated by Component Moving Techniques Journal title: Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Authors: Debdas Mishra, Amaresh Chandra Panda Subject(s):
POLISH COOPERATIVE BANKS AS NET LENDERS IN THE MONEY MARKET Journal title: e-Finanse Authors: Maria Magdalena Golec, Piotr Płuciennik Subject(s):
General requirements for marketing authorization transfers in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines Journal title: International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs Authors: Prathyusha Jeeva, Jyothshna Devi Katamreddy Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Toxicology, Health and Wellness
Outcome of Tendon Transfers for Radial Nerve Palsy in a Malaysian Tertiary Centre Journal title: Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal Authors: Richford J, Abdullah S, Norhafizah M, Juliana I, Rashdeen F, Razana A Subject(s):
Opinions On The Implementation Of The New Administrative-Territorial Budgeting System Elaboration In The Republic Of Moldova Journal title: Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки. Authors: Tatiana Manole Subject(s):
Direct Cash Transfer to Resolve the Crisis of Income Inequality Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF FISCAL DECENTRALIZATION ON THE FORMATION OF LOCAL BUDGETS OF UKRAINE Journal title: Науковий вісник Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. Серія : Економіка, аграрний менеджмент, бізнес Authors: А. R. Balitska Subject(s):
PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF REVENUE BASE OF LOCAL BUDGETS Journal title: Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління Authors: Y. M. Protsenko Subject(s):
FEATURES OF FILLING LOCAL BUDGETS IN UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF DECENTRALIZATION Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Економіка" Authors: V.K. Shkapoed, А.V. Burkovska Subject(s):