Abstracte Forum ORL.ro 2017
Journal Title: ORL.ro - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 34
Lista rezumatelor lucrărilor susținute in cadul celei de-a IX-a ediții a Forumului ORL.ro 2017
Lista rezumatelor lucrărilor susținute in cadul celei de-a IX-a ediții a Forumului ORL.ro 2017
Exteriorized frontoethmoidal mucocele - a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge
The frontoethmoidal mucocele is not a very frequent pathology in ENT current practice. When the patient is consulted for the first time by a physician, the mucocele is in exteriorization phase, being associated with comp...
The role of polisomnography in children’s respiratory dysfunction management
Introduction. A common condition, with a prevalence of 1.2 to 5.7%, the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in children is important in terms of the consequences it has on development, physiology and appropriate func...
Kikuchi disease in children – diagnostic considerations
Kikuchi disease, also known as Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease, is a rare benign, self-limiting disease(1,2). The diagnostic difficulties on children appear because of the wide clinical symptoms and signs variability that can n...
Actualities regarding mechanic evaluation of the static and dynamic plantar support for the patients with or without pedal pathology - review
We present a literature review regarding mechanic evaluation of the plantar support for further comparison with our results. We found studies from USA, India, and Israel where tests were performed on specific equipment f...
Abstracte Forum ORL.ro 2017
Lista rezumatelor lucrărilor susținute in cadul celei de-a IX-a ediții a Forumului ORL.ro 2017